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Author Topic: Secure your VPN connection using VPN Lifeguard!  (Read 14748 times)

Offline ryan

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Secure your VPN connection using VPN Lifeguard!
« on: December 10, 2012, 11:57:25 PM »
This guide will show you how to stay safe with a vpn when the vpn connection drops.This program will close multiple programs specified when the vpn has lost connection and will open them when you regain vpn connection.
 1.Install vpn lifeguard, you can download it here http://sourceforge.net/projects/vpnlifeguard/
 2.Connect to the vpn and open vpn lifeguard.
 3.Make sure the checkbox is checked then click on config.
 4.Click on list ip and your vpn ip should be listed under "Local IP of VPN"
 5.Under "IP of the box" change it to or use the dropdown menu to that address.
 6.Under divers, check the 2 boxes on the left. The first box will minimize the program to the tray area.
 7.Check VPN exclusive under "connection VPN exclusive".
 8.Under "autorun" check run on startup & run softwares managed
 9.Change the number to 1 then click on browse.
 For 64 bit windows, most program files are located in.
 C:\Program Files (x86)\
 Some are located in C:\Program Files\
 For 32 bit windows.
 C:\Program Files\
 Note: You can use the shortcuts on the desktop if you have them.
 Example for firefox.
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
 C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk
 10.For multiple programs repeat step #9.
 11.When working correctly it will display an ON status and it will show the vpn ip. You can also visit http://www.pdproxy.com/ to display your vpn ip.
 11a. Also check dnsleaktest here. http://www.dnsleaktest.com/

Download app here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vpnlifeguard/

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